Communions & Confirmations | Four Seasons Hotel, Carlingford

The Four Seasons Hotel, Carlingford is the perfect place to celebrate your child’s First Holy Communion or Confirmation.

Why not call our experienced team who can help plan this wonderful celebration while you enjoy this special day?

We can advise on an ideal setting in the hotel to host this special occasion and help you choose menu options that are right for you and your family.


Communion & Confirmation Menu (Sample)

Soup of the Day
served with Bread Rolls and Wheaten Bread

Goats Cheese Tartlet with crispy salad and Four Seasons dressing

Melon and Fresh Fruit Platter


Roast Sirloin of Beef
served with Red Wine Jus and Horseradish

Roast Stuffed Crowne of Chicken
served with a Creamy Mushroom sauce

Darne of Salmon, Pan Fried
served with a light lemon and lime sauce


All main courses are served with a Selection of Chefs Potatoes and Seasonal Vegetables


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